PM Modi is playing Gujarat-like game across India, British High Commissioner comments in viral video
Sunday 30 October 2022
London (News world Latest - APP. October 30, 2022) What we saw happening in Gujarat in 2002, now sadly, under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, the same game is being played all over India. Appointments are made by a British High Commissioner. A video of his statement has gone viral. According to Kashmir Media Service, the audience seen in the video shows that the High Commissioner is briefing the House of Lords.
In the video, the High Commissioner can be heard saying that Narendra Modi is being called the butcher of Gujarat and many people, including the US, have imposed travel bans on him while we have also boycotted him completely in the UK. And did not have any contact with him for almost a decade.
He said that our behavior towards Modi was absolutely correct.
He said what we saw Modi doing in Gujarat in 2002 as Chief Minister, now the same thing is happening all over India under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi i.e. beating people to death, burning houses and humiliating women. to target Discrimination and harassment of Christian, Muslim, Sikh and Dalit communities, passage of Citizenship Amendment Act, target killing, burning and bulldozing of minority houses, desecration of places of worship, business based on religion and even That actions such as presenting Mother Teresa and her work as a Christian conspiracy are being carried out openly.
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